About Blu

My photo
STL, MO, United States
X Blu Rayne is an author, poet, spoken word artist,graphic designer,host writer and motivational speaker. A reflection of God's light and His movement on the face of the storms of life. She is poetry personified....

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Self planted kisses....

Self planted kisses on my soul

I look in the mirror every morning and say Hello Blu...what shall we do today? What will we create? What greatness will we allow to come through our spirits and manifest in our reality? What are we going to do....

Why do I say we....

Because I am nothing without my creator. I am nothing without my resource. I am nothing without God. I have nothing without God. There is nothing without God...God is Allah.....all to me and everything that I am and all I will ever be.

Daily, I strive to live in the perfected spirit of my higher self. I fight the demons of depression, doubt,, insecurity, lust, greed, anger, and all those things that aren't of God. I can only live in my higher self because I have become aware of the ability to exist above circumstances and situations that can cripple our hearts, conflict with our faith, and shadow our hope....

I am thankful to God for the lessons of 2011. I am thankful for the growing pains of life because with each scar, I see Allah's healing power. With each ache, I see Allah's soothing nature, and with each bump on my head, I see Allah's grace and mercy.....

Be encouraged and be blessed....

Peace & Love
X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Black sheep.....

I grew up thinking I was the black sheep because my mother like them more than she liked me...probably because of my daddy

I know so many multiple fatherless homes....meaning mom has children with different fathers. Each father coming with it's own experience and own pain. Mom is doing her best to make things workout and there is struggle...especially when one man won't help with his, but the other does...

I will say if you are a mother and treating your children differently based on the men you chose to lay with, you are dead wrong and are undeserving of those blessings in your life. Truthfully, mothers do this even if things are good and the children have one father....let one child look like him more than the others or be the only man child....it's like the hatred from the failure of the relationship has no end...

Then you wonder why you have no peace, you wonder why your children have turned on you, you wonder why your home is in disarray....you are the one that controls that energy in your house. If you create such an atmosphere, expect the reward for your actions....

We all have issues, problems, and things we must work through, but you have to make a daily decision to be better and work towards it when you are responsble for another soul. I believe there are some people who should not have children. I believe some women would destroy the child's spiritual nature...then you have some that mother a neighborhood and the block thanks her.....

If you have been that mom that has played favorites, you should be ashamed. If you hate you son because he is the only boy and reminds you of your ex...you choose his father. If one father pays his support and the other doesn't...that isn't the child fault...stop saying that they are like their sorry daddy...how are you so comfortable speaking against their creator....

Peace &  Love
X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Love is in the air.....

As a single mom, I have found it interesting when it has come to being open to love. After moving past the rumors that having children makes you unattractive, I have spent the last year loving some me. What I have found is that others love some me too. It's like I make people love me who are around me because I love me so much....

So what does that mean for me when it comes to the potential of a relationship...that I am ready. I implore all of my beautiful single mothers who feel like there are no options....1. There are plenty 2. They aren't thugs 3. There are some amazing men out there and one is waiting on you....

Stop listening to the lies of the single with no one to love but themselves. Those who us spiritual enlightenment and solitude as a cover for their own lack of understanding as to why they attract who they do. You are a representation of the universal purpose of life and hope. You are the nurturers of this planet and are needed to birth the beauty of not only yourself and your children, but a very special man who is preparing himself for you....

So ladies, this is your song...this is your year...write your own tune...dance in the rain...celebrate life...lift your spirits...you are designed to love and meant to be loved.....

Time to embrace it....keep being good to you and the good for you will come....and it will be unstoppable....:-)

Peace & Love
X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Thursday, December 15, 2011

SPOKEN T's first poetic t shirt by X Blu Rayne

This is X Blu Rayne first t-shirt with one of her never spoken or published poems until now. This shirt is designed to uplifting the spirits and hearts of the women of this world.  This will be one of many designs from this multifaceted artist and graphic designer.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I am here...

Hollowed spirit/
empty being/
there is no life I am seeking/
I find comfort in the darkness/
fear this is what they have taught us/
but I sense a bliss/
no pain or hurt/
just empty spirit/
blades start to look like welcome mats/
38 looks like a good number/
and high rises look like an opportunity to fly for 3 seconds before my demise/
and I love to hear people say you have so much to live for/
all lies/
you want me to stay here where love is wrong and no one is trying to be right/
you want me to stay here where the strong perish and the weak prevail/
you want me to stay here where being black means living in a place that is the neighbor of hell/
you want me to stay here/
where being a thug has more prestige than being a father with a degree/
you want me to stay here where children are killed by the same women that birthed them/
women who are loved by the same men that hurt them/
you want me to stay here where the my blood from previous times cries out to me for justice and I have none to bring/
you want me to stay here/where every tear that I shed goes unnoticed/
where this pain is so deep I can't focus/
you want me to stay here/where I look at my children's face and can no longer give them the promise of a better day/
you want me to stay here/
you want me to stay here/
because every morning you give me a sunrise freely/
and you have answered me every time I have fallen on my knees/
you want me to stay here cause you have work for me to do/
and this pain you expect me to work through/
I am so tired of crying/
so tired of this feeling of desiring dying/
so I tell you what/
if tomorrow I wake up and see a sunrise/
I promise to try/
cause right now/
you are the only person that has yet to lie/
and I have no idea why you love me so much/
and all I have been seeking is an honest touch/
so if I awake in this place that has brought me pain/
and see the faces of those who have hurt me throughout this day/
hold me close in my spirit/
it's only because of you God that I am here today...

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Rise sista.....rise

Energy is neither destroyed nor created, but transferred from one play to another- Two Can Play That Game-the movie

So in this movie Vivica A. Fox is the main interest and finds out her boyfriend Morris Chestnut has lied and is keeping company with a client. She then does a series of things to get him back and teach him a lesson and almost losing the relationship in the end.

The biggest thing for me, is the need to stoop yourself so low to become this manipulative creature in order to get a desired end. How about just telling him how you feel and ask what's up? We can't though can we ladies...why...because his boys and the options he keeps around. The minute you act a certain way...they are on the prowl...hating and speaking against you and he is listening. Being in any kind of emotional state is wrong, having feeling is wrong, hell it's almost like saying that being a woman is wrong......

Wrong...being a woman is amazing. Being able to connect with God on a level envied by male leaders from the Bible too modern day....women are the natural nutures. You do have tanint specimens who time and their own actions have left them in a state of depseration and destruction. I am speaking to the sister in the sisterhood of love and peace. Who see what ails the world and want to heal it. Who sees what ails the man she loves and wants to heal him. Stay in the beauty of the purity of your womanhood.

Some of you may find that the man in your life is tripping hard. Thoughtless deeds, insensitive actions, and just plan out making the worst decisions knowing they will hurt you. Normally you can try to talk it through, but he is being helped...trust when I say that a female somewhere is invlved...if this is out of charater. Don't play games...if he falls for the okie doke...maybe you need to step away.

We are going into an undefined year. Even the Mayans left it open for us to decide on how we want things to go. It's is an ending of allowing things to distract us. It is an ending of the thinking of society of inferirioty of blacks and women. It is an ending of the booty hoe type thinking that continues to fuel the daughters of Eve....It is the time for the rise of the universal energy of the universal woman....

Rise my sisters...rise.....so that the beauty of the men can rise with you. Don't worry about the actions of others...be accountable for you....

Peace & Love
~Cynthia Jowers aka X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Conversations with Black Millionaire Entrepeuneur

"New Book “Conversations with Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs” featuring interviews with Cathy Hughes of Radio One Inc., Les Brown, Andrew Morrison founder of Small Business Camp, Randal Pinkett the Winner of the Apprentice, Ephren Taylor, the youngest African American CEO of a publicly traded company, Dennis Kimbro author of Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice, and George Fraser, author of Success Runs in our Race and Black America’s #1 Networkers hare insights and lessons to being successful Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs."

Conversations with Black Millionaire Entrepeuneur

Monday, December 12, 2011

I want to cry

I want to cry
Eyes dry
Sorrow applied
Me Oh my
I want to cry
Let my tears water my angry words
Hurt feelings
Allowing them to grow and blossom to destroy there creator
I want to cry
Because I am hurt
Loving someone who saw part of my worth
I want to cry
Like they do in them reunion shows
Cause Lord knows
I don't want him to go
I want to cry
Like a new baby
And be nestled in his arms
Maybe I shouldn't have let go
Yes you should
No I shouldn't
Did you tell him how you felt
Yes, but he told you with you he wouldn't
Now I want to cry
But why
Why cry over spilled milk
Or dreams he never intended to fulfill
Or over a man that is just doing what he wants and what he will
Why cry over something lost like trash in a landfill
I think I want to try
Try not giving myself over to the bad feelings
And think of the better things
I was willing to give him my life
But now I can start living
For me
The only person that deserves my tears
is me....

X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Stupid Girl

My ink is stopped for the night
My heart hurts right now
I can't write...
Stupid girl...don't cry
Never let tears of pain be the reason why
Never let him see you cry
Be strong is what we tell ourselves
Dayum all memories to hell
I will not fuss or yell
I will no curse or tell
Of this pain that is sitting in my chest
My own fault I must confess
Loving someone who sees you as loveless
But will drop your pants or lift your dress
Why do we get mad and upset
When we sign on the dotted line of this contract
This unspoken agreement of nothing needed
Except late night calls and occasional flings
My ink
Has stopped flowing
This poem is cracked and tears I am sowing
Stupid little girl stop acting like you didn't know
You the one that became a voluntary hoe
So in tears you now sow
From accepting such a low blow to your ego
Anger words flow
Because love has left the building
Embarrassed s it's replacement
Your smile will now be a facelift
To mask the hurt you are feeling
Stupid girl...stop feeling

X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

My man....

I no longer say I want a good man 
it's plenty of those. 
I want 
a Builder who is not afraid to work with his hands
a Lover who is not afraid to show his heart 
a Doctor who knows what ails me and how to heal me
a Baker who bring home the bread
a Candlestick maker that lights my fire
an Optometrist that see me clearly
a Sargent that gives orders for the beast of the unit
and a Poet who can write God on paper

...that is my man.....

X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

It's a new dawn...I feel a change.....

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me....I feel a change....

Ever wake up and feel like something is different? You surroundings could be the same, but the appearence of things and the affect of people are not what they were? The happened to me this morning...

I feel a change....

I am not sure what has happened in the last 24 in my life, but I will say the uncertainty no longer scares me. If one doors closes another door will open, if one man won't appreciate me, I need to slow my butt down and appreciate myself first, and if I am having financial difficulties...I need a budget....

See what I mean, everything is the same except my thinking, which will affect my habits, which will affect my progression. Sometimes all it takes is an awakening to get you to "see" better......

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't wait until the New Year starts to see things brand new. Start today. Don't carry anything dead into 2012...you should be living. All of this starts with you, your thinking, your confessions, your spiritual diet.....it is all on you....aint that wonderful. Because now....every one else is powerless in determining who you are and how you decide to be......

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life fo all of us....I feel a .......


Peace & Love
~Cynthia Jowers aka X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Silence the internal drama beast....

‎"Drama in not an outside incident, but a manifestation of a inward phenomenon. No person of peace can have drama."

If you are finding no peace in your life, it is because you have not call peace within yourself. Look at your house...the inside of it...not the neat yard or the presentation ready front room...look at your cabniets, basement, that closet that never gets clean....those are place of chaos and disorder in your home reflecting areas of disorder in your life.

We can be spit shine ready at a moments notice for the public eye, but what are we refusing to clean up, clean out, and through away in our spiritual closets....let's get rid of the clutter shall we.....

The first step is identifying your own mess. Take responsibility for the Boogie monsters you have created, the smells that turn your stomach because areas have been ignored and not cleaned, the broken things and unfinished task....yep...take them all out and look at them....now start going through it one by one....

Here is the good thing, you determine when these things need to be done, but in the end they need to be done. You deserve a life of peace, love, joy, and happiness...but it first must come from within.

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!! GOD BELIEVES IN YOU!!!!!! and truthfully.....the REAL YOU BELIEVES IN YOU!!!!!!!!!

I might stay here for the next few days and expound on helping you clean out your closet to reveal the spiritual you within...the real you.....that amazing person the world is waiting on to see and shine....

Give me some feedback and let me know if you want to talk about it. I think it's time I stop being selfish and give myself over to who I really am...I need your help to do it...tell you what...let's do it together.

Peace & Love 

~Cynthia Jowers aka X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word 
Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Protect your man's heart.....

How can you call him king, but you speak against his dreams.....

It is funny thing to hear women moan and groan about the inadequacies of the men they have had in their lives. How he doesn't do what he use to do. I am not saying that men who cheat are right or that what it took to get her he needs to continue to keep her, but what I am saying is that more women need to look in the mirror. If you have found yourself being a woman who has made a joke, spoke against, or in any way challenged the validity of his dream.....he may still be there, but you just ended your relationship....

It may not be fair, he may want to build a motorcycle that flies, hell or want to rebuild the Grand Canyon out of cheese....whatever the case may be, remember that you thought that was cute and even sexy. You loved that he was a dreamer, but now you expect him to change....you are foul for that one. There has to be a balance in all things, but you want to give your man away, tell him what he is passionate about is invalid, say he is failing as a provider, tell someone else that you think he is less of a man and see what happens....You are better off saying he has a little penis on Facebook than that.....

A man's job is to protect his family, but a woman job is to protect her man's heart. You, as the woman he loves, has the unique ability to determine his days and nights, his belief in himself, and he validity as a man......don't do him wrong...or he will find one that does him right....

Peace & Love
~Cynthia Jowers aka X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word 

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

I tried.....

I tried...I really did

I love when I say that to excuse my inability to complete a task. Oh man do I have a habit of bsing,..lol. I'll say I will do something "in a minute" and it will be a week or two. I will say I'll call you back, and won't. It is a trait that I have that has done nothing for my growth and productivity. A trait that I was excusing until now.....

Hi, my name is Cynthia and I have an issue with being of my word. I have the best intentions, but do not give due diligence to those things that I have the ability to control. I excuse them while allowing my frustration to be given over to uncontrollable issues and expect you to take my bs.....

Do I have any fellow bsing individuals out there....of course I do, but until you can face it, confront it, accept it, and be prepared to deal with it.....you can't change it. There is power in admitting your areas of growth because then you are actually working the ground, clearing the weeds, and giving the sun and rain the ability to refresh and revive the soul of your spirit to promote the growth that is need for you to live in the spirit of excellence. There is work, your hands will get dirty, sometimes the stench of it will stay with you for a minute, but the minute you start to see the bud of the tree, then the tree reaching to the heavens, and the bearing of the fruit...you will be able to rep the rewards of the due diligence of your actions...and the world will thank you......

Have a great Sunday family....lety's grow together....

Peace & Love
~Cynthia Jowers aka X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word 

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Friday, December 9, 2011

Buy Blu....

Be the God you speak of....

The Jesus in me, loves the Jesus in you.....so easy to love

I grew up in church under the leadership of different pastors and this theme was consistent in the mouths of every Christian I encountered. There were other statements like "Love your neighbor as yourself" and "You will know them by their love".....

The funny thing is, and even in history, some of the most horrible crimes were committed under the religion. From the Salem Witch trials to the Holocaust, well meaning Christians were murdering people under the name of Christ and God......
Fast forward to now and you have the double standards and the emphasis of hell...I am not sure at times, what some Christians believe...that is until they commit a sin, then they know every scripture in the Bible that excuses their actions. But when it comes to gays, lesbians, people strung out on drugs, prostitution, pimping, stealing, lying, and cheating...these people may be shunned, done away with, publicly humiliated and told hell is their home. Funny thing though, when it hits home....you can here a pen drop.

Now my peeps...are those who love God...period. That value humanity, spirituality, and the belief that we all need each other. I can't call these people Christians because they are accepting of more than the Bible as the final draft of God's intention for the world as we know it. They see meaning in the sunrises and sunsets. They see promise in the well suited man as well as the pierced up "freak". They see kindness in those who sexual preference may conflict with a fundamental thought they may have, but yet embrace them in love....there is a scripture that says man looks on the outward appearance but God looks at the heart...since we don't know the heart of man....I am guessing this whole judgmental energy should probably be on a downward slope....

So to all my downlow pastors that preach hell and damnation to your own people, to all my musicians that are not paying child support because the state can't tax nonforprofit income, to all my ushers who is sleeping with the pastor and his wife, to all my deacons who are molesting their family members, and to all those cross wearing socialites that have no idea what real crucifixion is like.....I ask that you think for a moment of what is you reason for being bold enough to use the essence of purity of God's love for financial and social gain. And how do you expect to escape the very sermons you minister to eloquently. To quote one of the greatest women of all time...Beyonce said it best...."what goes around comes back around, my baby." If you send love...you get love....I feel for what some are about to receive.

I love you all and pray that you have a relationship with God that moves you in kindness, compassion and love....cause that is the true spirit of who we are.....

Peace & Love
~ X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Listen to X Blu Rayne

Click on the link below to hear everything I have out right now. Some of my tracks have music, actually most do because I am a music lover.....feel free to purchase my new CD UR INTERPRETATION: The Evolution of Blu today!!!!!!!  Thank you.....xblurayne.bandcamp.com

Tears for peace

I mourn for those children
Who never experience the love their mothers should have for them
When God places a life in your womb to reside
The soluiton of ending any pain should never be suicide
I understand the feeling of hopelessness and regret
But your child have not gotten to grow up yet
Don't take a life that has promise and purpose
God allowed you to make it
He is with you so you can take it
So I pray that this reaches a mother like Rahcelle Grimmer
Who sees no hope when she looks in the mirror
There is more than hope there is joy in your life
Look at your children in their eyes
They are evidence that there is living for you all to do
Don't stop looking for the help that you need to make it through
Cry when you must
Scream when needed
But you will never be defeated
Unless you concede
Looks at them babies
They possess the joy you need
When you forget to believe
Unto you I speak blessings and peace

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

King of mine

When he says I love you
I want to believe him
When he says I want you
I want to be able to receive him
Hesitation on my part 
Because there is a list of them
Asking for his attention
And it gets mentioned
That they get it
At times
So I never ask
Where is mine
Cause if I'm not worth the search
Then he doesn't deserve the find
Not looking for the king of the world
Just want a king that is mine...

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

He makes me feel like....

He makes me feel easy like the breeze, lovely, free, and me.......

As I think more on past relationships, I realize that the biggest element missing is me feeling like I am the only one that sights are on. I know many men measure love by what they do with regards to bill paying, being in the same room, and even sex. That, from my perspective, has nothing to do with love. It even diminishes more in value when you give that quality time to others, especially women who you know are trying to be with you and have no shame in expressing such. I had one incident where an ex would get a call from their's for their special time with them and they would get it...no second thought. Of course I was told it was nothing on his end, but I don't think he got what that made me think as a woman....all it equated to was that I wasn't special. I wasn't important enough to give that time to me...that previous reservations had still some value. But I was most important because he was there.

Position has nothing to do with validity of a relationship. If you are giving of yourself to people in your life to the degree as though you are single, you will leave a door open in your relationship. The person will be unfilled and possible entertain another's company because it's okay as long as you aren't having sex right? I might sound selfish, but if I am going to be with someone, I want to be the only woman he wants to give his quality time to outside of his family members, and even they have a short space...:-)

I want to be able to sit and think of him and smile...even if he is a million miles away. Just knowing that he loves me is comfort enough. There is nothing in love that is perfect because we as the players are flawed, and I know that that man did very much love me...I guess for me, it was a matter of knowing that he was still available to so many others...

I guess I am saying...I want to feel special. That might be my princess in me coming out, but if he can make every other woman feel that way...can he really be mine? If his spirit is so open that others can feel it, if he gives them time in late nights and early mornings....does that just make me one of the many....the thought here is no one wants to be a part of the crowd when they are suppose to be the one.....you feel me....just watch how you treat people and the messages you send in relationships. If you are giving her/him the basics and not the essentials...they will get them elsewhere.....don't be the 20%......

Peace & Love
~X Bly Rayne

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Let's dance......

LADIES.....do something beaufutiul for yourself today...everytime you look in the mirror...give yourself a kiss...aint not nutha chick on your caliber...you are a unique creation with an amazin purpose....get out your microphone brushes and curling irons and get your boogie on before work.....

Peace & Love to all my sistas
~X Blu Rayne

R.est I.n O.ur H.earts....Lisa Lopez aka Left Eye

Sunday, December 4, 2011

From my heart to yours....

Ok...so this one is really personal, but I believe in order to really reach your heart, I have to speak from my own. I really don't speak in detail of my relationships because I value the privacy and intimacy of it, but here it goes.....

*let us pray*

I am single. It is hard to say that considering I have been in relationships for years constantly...like the last 17 years to be exact. I have had some form of something with someone for a period of time. I have to say I have met the best of the best, and the worst of the worst, but I have always never spent time with me. I was being the good "wifey" and really, that was it. They received all the rights and privileges of husband and never had to make any commitment to me at all. Dang...I was so desperate no to be alone that I settled for being lonely with someone...

I was running down a path that was going no where in slow motion. It looked like the constant message was I wasn't good enough, I had too many issues, I was a mistake....it always was my fault. And it was my fault because I didn't care enough about myself to love myself and not let myself be subjected to less than what I deserved. I just didn't know I deserved better. I mean really, beside Claire Huxtable, name a woman in the media that has been treated right by a man....better yet...name 10 in your life that you know of.....I pray you can because I can't.

I love me...six kids and four fathers one miscarriage later....I love me....65 lbs lighter and no prospects I love me...Daily investing in my dreams I love me....lonely nights and sexless days I love me.....See I have learned to love me enough to wait on me to be that of how I see myself. I have my picture and everyday I look at her and tell her...I am coming. I am making the steps daily to be that picture that the universe has shown me is who I am in the perfected love og God....in my spirit. We are so amazing that we have to study ourselves to be who we are designed to be, and the first step is not allowing ourselves to intertwine with people who weren't meant to be with us.....Some of the people who have slept with was never meant to touch you. And yet you find yourself continuing to behave in a negative way even if they just have a female friend. He ain't yours, cause if he was...you'd be with him.......

So I am taking care to take care of Cynthia. I am not allowing any energy into my life that is going to cause harm or determent. If you are not genuine in progressing, please don't expect me to link to you. There was a time when I was unlinkable, and some people that I have respected I am finding are in that place with me.

Take care to take care of you.....I hope I didn't ramble too much....

Peace & Love
~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time to move.....if you wanna...

Instead of us just talking, it is now action. It goes beyond facebook stauses...it is your lifestyle. We can stunt here, and I know some who do, but if those around you can't attest to that which you are saying...then you are either a great actress or a bad liar...and either way...you are failing them and you, but you are not a failure...and I have no idea what a failure looks like cause I see possiblitiy in all of us because we are all God's reflection. Live in your spirit...in the peace of your soul...and watch how much your life changes and how many people you will help.....just try it....30 day gurantee that you will at least change one person....you...:-)

Be the change for the people in your life, be the hope for the youngsters and old heads in your family. Be the example for the ivy league family members with the appearance of perfection, but have brokenness hidden. Every person around you needs you to be the best you that you can be. You have no time for hating on anyone, that just means you hate you...and who really does that?

Love you until those around you will be jealous of how much you love yourself. Be confident in you were you intentionally uplift those around you. Be open th where you make everyone around you feel safe. Be loving to where no one who has know you has not know love...has not known God....it is not only possible...it's more than likely...I didn't get here overnight, but (in the words of Mrs. Celiy) I am here now....I am here...and so are you...let's move....I will help in any way I can.....the choice is yours....

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sticks and stone may break......

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.....

The biggest lie ever told to children around the world. Words hurt, and the impact can last outside of you even knowing it. I had someone tell me that one of their female friends told them I wasn't good enough for them and get too much of their attention...this is a person I did respect and admire. Now, I just wonder what kindof person speak death to a potential relationship that could be long lasting, in any realm, to both parties? Needless to say that I have some thoughts and feelings that now have placed all of us in a position that is unknown to them......

Be careful what you speak to people. You aren't just saying it to that person...you saying it to all the other people they talk to as well. We all have that one person we tell things too, well...so do they and if it isn't you, it's someone else. And just like a disease, it spreads and the effects vary from person to person. Every word projects an image in people's minds and we live what we think and believe...so since I believe that this person has a negative view of me, it will dictate my actions. I have said some things that I regret, and I am sure some of my words are lingering in the hearts and minds of people that I do not know....and no matter what it has an effect.

If my words have offended anyone in anyway, I apologize. I don't hate anyone or hate on anyone. I don't care for some people, so I intentionally avoid them because I have a view of them that isn't positive, but I have no intention of causing them pain....

This is an area of growth for me, so maybe this one is more for me than you...just be mindful of the words you speak...you are shaping opinions of you and revealing who you really are...love and hate doesn't exist in the same place...check your words before you speak them.....

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 28, 2011

You are precious......

Is there anyone in need of a healing? Is there any pain, disease, hurt, tears, anyone need to know all is well..

It is.....don't give it...you are being redefined..... I am not trying to bs you and tell you that there won't be hurts and pains, but it is really alright. It is actually better than alright. It is purpose in pain, otherwise how else would God show you how amazing you are when you allow the better you to shine through? I understand it doesn't feel good, and it doesn't look good. I am not going to tell you that all things are good...death is not good, sorrow is not good, betrayal is not good, lack is not good, loneliness is not good.....so what is good you are asking?

You are good, the God in you is great...so that means you have the ability to overcome any obstacle, surpass any expectation, look at challenges and trials in the face and even give them a high five...cause it would not have came your way if you didn't have the gusto to deal with it. Don't even use your issues as a sob story, matter of fact...feel bad for those who have had it "good" all their lives, cause that just means they don't have the what it takes to be that example and testimony of triumph the world needs to see.

I congratulate you one being deemed worthy by God to go through the refining fire...you will only get purified if you understand it purpose.....let's walk forward my diamonds and gold members...and remeber anything worth a large value went through a redefinging process.....You are priceless.....

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The art of the boot....

You deserve to be surrounded by people who deserves to be around you.......

So recently a lost a family member. Not lost in the sense they died, but lost in the sense of a Facebook deletion as friends...so I blocked them. I might be wrong in some people's eyes, but I have grown bored of the consistent negativity that is related to past issues. I am ready for new problems...like the ones people who are on the move in their live have.

Ever notice that broke people always have the same issues? I mean like the same drama with the same result with the same attitude with the same non-solutions. Can we get our life together first and then start having problems? Can we at least make sure disconnect notices aren't in our mailboxes, and bellies of not our households, but others are full, can we make sure that we are eating healthy and growing each other spiritually?.....that would be nice, but that would mean we would have to stop being the superficial, egotistical, short sight creatures that roam this planet and lick they own ass, otherwise why else would they keep up shit unless they like the way it taste????

I love all people because God made us all, but some of you have outlived your usefulness. I am not trying to live on this plane is a stat of discord...I like peace and refuse to have myself in pieces because you want to be broken. It's a choice. Just like you can choose to be better, I can choose to be better without you. Some of us hold on to rotting corpses of relationships, from friends to family, and wonder why we find ourselves spiritually dying. Tell them to call Tyrone, Budda, Jeusus, or your mama...but you can't use my phone.....Learn the art of giving people the boot....and understand, if you choose be be a certain way...you will get the boot too.........

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

...a quote from Blu

"If you can't be happy for someone you once loved who is in love with someone else...you never loved them at all." ~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

...a quote from Blu

‎"Smile...and the world smiles with you....cry and a real friend gives you a shoulder, some tissue, and some support." ~ X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

You are......

You are........

That is the question.....what are you? Not who because we all have been given an identity. You are male/female, melanin/nonmelanin, tall/short....etc...etc.....the bigger question is WHAT are you......

Are you a success or failure, a promise or a mistake, a desire or an insult...you have to decide what you are and come hell or high water...be what you see yourself as. There is no right or wrong here because only you have the answer to the question. You determine your what.....you decide.

No matter what you decide, understand that it comes from you, not your circumstances or situations. You are the final decision maker, the final authority, the final say so....you don't believe me.....hmmmmm....let me ask you this....if God doesn't force salvation on you, but let's you decide...then how can you blame anyone...even God for where you are in life.

In the end...you decide....time to make your decision....

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Family friends....

No family like friends and often no friends in the family.....

I think it is a beautiful thing when members of the same family have a geuine love and respect for each other. It adds to the holiday seasons, birthdays, and family reunions. I, like a lot of you, have family memerbs that never check on me and I have grown accustom to where I am actually surprised when I hear from them. It's no anger or discord, that I am aware of, it's just that neither of us see a value in the blood we share to share our lives with each other. Some people see that wrong, but these might be some of the same people that allow the known molester in the family around the children...my point is "family" is a relative term....

I value the friends I have Mirror Sista my mother, Jessica Christy my sister, Kristal Coleman my sister, Prayze Pretty Pea my sister, Hezzie Kendrick III my brother, and James Robinson my brother....these are more than relatives...these are my friends. If I ever need advice I call one of them. Then I have an extended group of friends that act as family to me...

I have this saying that friends will support you and family will abort you.....I say that because your family can hurt you worse because you expect them to love you best. The reality is that we are all people and in one way or another, all family. If mom can't respect your wife, she shouldn't be at your home until she does...if you have a brother that has molested his own child, he should never be around yours alone, if you have a sister who is a prostitute, she don't need to be staying with you, and if you have a cousin that steals from you...keep them from your ish!!!!!

Find the friend value in your family...those that you can trust and love and genuinely they love you. Hopefully, you'll have more friends in your blood line than you thought....people that care about you and are really there for you...people who want to know you and got your back no matter what....hmmmmmmmm......
maybe we should require that people qualify as friends before they rock the family clause....


Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 18, 2011

Oral Intelligence

There is an intelligence in oral sex...

I think when it comes to oral sex there is one rule....just as an individuals thinking is different from one person to another, so is the oral needs. Find out what you partner likes....

I think that a penis is a beautiful thing that should be kissed, touched, caressed, licked, and rode properly. I think no woman who can't get moist enough orally as well as vaginally is not deserving of such a gift and should maintain the knowledge of her body in order to appreciate the extension of life. It's not a dick, woody, or a joystick...it's nothing to play with, but worshiped. It is a man's most cherished possession and therefore should always be greeted with a kiss......

If this makes you sqeemish.....don't worry...he's not coming to you for appreciation anyway.....he's going to someone else....

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Facebook porn.....

Sugar mamas.......

Sugar mamas....the new disease of women......

Lies, trickery, and extremely irresponsible. Are you his mother? If she wasn't able to "make" him a better man, what makes you think you can? Oh I see, you wear Prada and Gucci, got a great job, beautiful in looks, nice body, and all the potential of a great wife....one problem...he's broke, has no goals, is a moocher, and guess what....he's fine though........

Geez.....why is the sugar mama part of some of the new age woman's mentality. You get him unrefined and undefined and wonder why he cheats on you, disrespects you, and leaves you for the hood chick that has what he had...cause you have given him the resources he need to be looked at as "the man"....and you're not going anywhere because you went for him when you shouldn't have.

I will never short change a man working for McDonalds and consider him less than the man who owns it. I will say this...IF he works for McDonalds with a million dollar mentality and a work ethic that falls in line, he's already ahead of the game, but the smart guys don't go for superficial women anyway....so......maybe it's better to change you first...then you won't have to change "him"......

Who wants to have to "raise" a grown man anyway...not one woman on the face of this planet......time to put the sugar mamas out of business.....it's real women they want anyway......

Peace & Love,

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Be the change.....

Be the change you want to see........

A beautifully spoken sentiment by President Obama. Has he lived up to this yet? Some people says yes and others say no. Even if you think he hasn't, it is irrelevant....you know why...because he is still here. Alive and he has the ability to choose what he will do to live true to those words....

We are so quick to give up on people. Our microwave mentality of quick fixes and immediate results have caused us devalue work and due process. It's ok to "fake it until you make it" in some people's eyes, but most expect things to be what is stated. Even in churches they push a "right now God",but we forget even Jesus, God in the flesh, had processes to go through before he could teach himself.

My point is simple, if you woke up this morning ...you have not failed to live in your potential. You can take those steps needed to be who you are destined to be. Embrace, love, and live your process ....appreciate the journey because that makes the goal that much more worth it....today is your day...and if you need to...look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate who you are today....cause she/he will be a little wiser ....a little stronger ...a little different tomorrow.

Peace & Love

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved