About Blu

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STL, MO, United States
X Blu Rayne is an author, poet, spoken word artist,graphic designer,host writer and motivational speaker. A reflection of God's light and His movement on the face of the storms of life. She is poetry personified....

Friday, December 9, 2011

Be the God you speak of....

The Jesus in me, loves the Jesus in you.....so easy to love

I grew up in church under the leadership of different pastors and this theme was consistent in the mouths of every Christian I encountered. There were other statements like "Love your neighbor as yourself" and "You will know them by their love".....

The funny thing is, and even in history, some of the most horrible crimes were committed under the religion. From the Salem Witch trials to the Holocaust, well meaning Christians were murdering people under the name of Christ and God......
Fast forward to now and you have the double standards and the emphasis of hell...I am not sure at times, what some Christians believe...that is until they commit a sin, then they know every scripture in the Bible that excuses their actions. But when it comes to gays, lesbians, people strung out on drugs, prostitution, pimping, stealing, lying, and cheating...these people may be shunned, done away with, publicly humiliated and told hell is their home. Funny thing though, when it hits home....you can here a pen drop.

Now my peeps...are those who love God...period. That value humanity, spirituality, and the belief that we all need each other. I can't call these people Christians because they are accepting of more than the Bible as the final draft of God's intention for the world as we know it. They see meaning in the sunrises and sunsets. They see promise in the well suited man as well as the pierced up "freak". They see kindness in those who sexual preference may conflict with a fundamental thought they may have, but yet embrace them in love....there is a scripture that says man looks on the outward appearance but God looks at the heart...since we don't know the heart of man....I am guessing this whole judgmental energy should probably be on a downward slope....

So to all my downlow pastors that preach hell and damnation to your own people, to all my musicians that are not paying child support because the state can't tax nonforprofit income, to all my ushers who is sleeping with the pastor and his wife, to all my deacons who are molesting their family members, and to all those cross wearing socialites that have no idea what real crucifixion is like.....I ask that you think for a moment of what is you reason for being bold enough to use the essence of purity of God's love for financial and social gain. And how do you expect to escape the very sermons you minister to eloquently. To quote one of the greatest women of all time...Beyonce said it best...."what goes around comes back around, my baby." If you send love...you get love....I feel for what some are about to receive.

I love you all and pray that you have a relationship with God that moves you in kindness, compassion and love....cause that is the true spirit of who we are.....

Peace & Love
~ X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

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