About Blu

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STL, MO, United States
X Blu Rayne is an author, poet, spoken word artist,graphic designer,host writer and motivational speaker. A reflection of God's light and His movement on the face of the storms of life. She is poetry personified....

Monday, April 25, 2011

Time Traveler's Wife

I went into a store today for batteries and found one of my lost wants in a box staring right at me.  "The Time Traveler's Wife" came out in 2008, and I had wanted to go see it with my then boyfriend. I asked from the time it came out until the time it went to DVD, and all I received in his actions was no. He didn't want to see it with me. No matter how I expressed how I read the book and loved romantic movies, no matter how much I wanted to spend time with him, no matter how important it was to me....it didn't matter to him. So three years later and here I am with the movie in hand. Why? Because I really wanted to see the movie. I had tied so much into seeing it with him that I forgot the original desire had to strictly do with me.

Often times we make plans with people that we never see to completion because we tie it to someone else. We forget that originally, that was our own dream, but because they didn't see it, we aborted our process. I know you might be thinking, Blu, it is just a movie. To me it represents a thought process. One I have had so many times I am finding that I have a lot of unfinished business.

Go back to those places in your life where you have left unfinished business. If it was tied to the individual, let it go. If you find it originated from you and you still want to do it...go for it. Whether it is a movie or a career move...it is time to do you....

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

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