About Blu

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STL, MO, United States
X Blu Rayne is an author, poet, spoken word artist,graphic designer,host writer and motivational speaker. A reflection of God's light and His movement on the face of the storms of life. She is poetry personified....

Monday, April 9, 2012


In the past few days, I have experienced the energies of the moon like never before. Tapping into my true power as a woman, creator, healer, and life giver, I have realized that my connection to the universe and God has always been there. I have denied my abilities through not knowing as oppose to not wanting to....

We all want to be great. We all have a desire to excel. Where does that come from? That comes from us...the real us. The inner greatness that is waiting to be birthed into the world. What is within you is needed for the resurrection of the mentality of our people and communities. We are the keys to every locked door and the solutions to every problem.

I have unlocked a door. I am walking into a room that is unknown to me. Furnishings that I didn't choose, but they are perfect for me. Colors that match the thinking that I attain to. I am totally uncomfortable, and I love it. I welcome my transformation.

Peace & Love,
~ X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Holistic Health...pt 1

Afternoon everyone....

I hope, unlike me, you successfully changed over your clocks and was not thrown off the entire day...lol...I have some explaining to do to my sister. 

I was asked a question about what I thought on holistic health. I am a book worm, so I first went to define what holistic means..in essence...it means whole. Which first leads me to think they spelled it wrong. So holistic health is dealing with the entire being...mind, body, soul, and spirit. I think, if done properly, it can benefit every single person on the planet if the regimes prescribed are designed for that person. We are all different being with unique energy and spiritual makeups. At our foundations, we are all man, but then it gets divided into gender. Then we get into nationalities, but more importantly, we need to take note that melanin makes a difference between people that surpasses all things. Someone asked me a wonderful question...what is the difference between us and plants?

Of course I said we are breathing organisms, but so are they. They further noted to me that our bodies are composed of the very minerals that are found in the earth, which is why we return in dirt form as we decompose after transitioning. At that point...I was stumped...turns out...there is none. We however have one element that divides us all. One thing that is there in all of our lives that effects us differently.....the sun. The very things which boosts the growth and vitality of the fruits and vegetables we eat energizes the melanin in those with it, and burns others....

I am saying there is a difference between humanity...melanin and non melanin...like their is a difference in cows...brown ones and spotted. Think of it this way, you don't treat all of your children the same, because they are at different stages, different genders. Even identical twins have a difference between them. Holistic health is as affect as the precision of the information for the individual. Am I a holistic expert or practioner at this point...no, but I am a woman who desires to reach maximum health in order to show other women how to do so. This guarantees a better community and quality of children being born into this society. The women are not only the hand that rocks the cradle, but the hand that stirs the ladle...

What are you feeding your family? Where did you get your information from? Mother and father who are now in there 60s and confined to a bed...is that the end you desire? Or having family members that pop pills just to maintain? That does not have to be your sentence. You have the ability to do what is needed to be the healthiest person you can be...I will give you the tools that I am using....here's the thing though. It will require you to invest in a few books and cleaning up some habits....

Time to get to spring cleaning.....

Just to be clear...I have no interest in starting a group...I just want to share some info that has helped me...I pray it helps you....

Peace & Love
Cynthia Jowers

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

No Longer Complacent

I don't believe that I am an independent woman. I do know that I am a woman who has an understanding the need to act independently until a man comes along that understands the meaning of a unity. I would much rather not be the woman that can raise children in the assurance that I can "go at it alone". 

That is unnatural and the consequences will be seen in my life and that of my children. I do believe that in grace and mercy, God has the ability to equip me with what is need for my children and will guide them to those who will complete their development in the areas I was not meant to touch. I thank God for men who have made the decision to be apart of my and my children's lives even though they are in no way obligated to them. The impact that they continuously make reaffirms my faith in the black man's ability to be the original man he is created to be.

I am not in no way angry at my children's fathers. I am not disappointed either. I am grateful for how their decisions have shown me how amazing me and my children are really are. I am not allowing myself be defined by the woman they didn't want...that was an aspect of me, but not who I am. Who I am...my real self...wouldn't have given such self destructive men anything but well wishes for them to hopefully one day see themselves right. Because I would have understood that they are broken and a broke man can't do anything for a woman trying to mend.

So, to my mending sistas, you have a straddling the fence energy around you. You don't want what you have been use to, and aren't quite sure you deserve what you really want. I encourage you to no longer look to that which you have been comfortable with, that man will kill your spirit and purpose. It will be unintentional, but death is the end of something no matter how it came about. You have the ability to "kill" yourself through your decisions. Decide to no longer straddle. Make a decisions and apply the methods needed to reinforce that decisions rather than feed the demon on complacency.

The choice is up to you....Let's Move

Peace & Love,

Copyright © 2012 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Think about it.....

So many women say that there are no good men out here. I think they can't see something they don't believe they are themselves...

How is it possible to "love you" and "keep it real" when you have become the mask you wear so well. You actually have fooled yourself into thinking that you are not responsible and influential to your current state of affairs. You are where you are because whether you know it or not, you have chosen to be there.

If you are single, with multiple children, multiple fathers, on assistance, no job, OK job, excellent job, happily married, great husband, horrible husband...you have made decisions that had gotten to you to where you are right now. For some, that is an empowering thought to know the success that you have right now has been through decisions that you made. For others, I see you sulking and grabbing your Bibles planing a rebuttal....don't do it...my understanding isn't confined to a book that has multiple translations and left out scriptures that can now be found in a hip-hop version....God is bigger than you limited literature.

Here is the funny thing, that book, the BIBLE....has gotten you only so far. The Bible says that in all your getting, get an understanding. And as sacred as many hold it's words...it is limited in it's knowledge of diet, exercise, relationships, current events, and family. There are great suggestions, but not enough applications and instructions to cover everything in our lives. Would books be in such as vast array if the Bible was truly complete. Why would all these Biblical scholars put our reading material if the Bible is all that is needed.....so if it is safe to assume even God knew the Bible had limits....could it be that others readings are needed because you are limitless. Because you have been given the power to choose your mate, profession, hair color, eye color, body size, etc.....that in the end...it is really up to you......

So back to the original point...the no good men...why are there no good men around you? What do you define as a good man? What examples have you seen as a good man? What have you read to know what a good man is?

We read books to try to figure out cars and instruction manuals on how to do a perm, but won't read anything on relationships, family, and the economy. We are the contributors to where we are right now, but have taken refugee in blaming the devil or say God "allowed" it to happen. The Bible says every good and perfect thing comes from Him...so you being beat up in a relationship was never part of the divine plan. You having that abortion that one time that has kept you having children wasn't on the radar. You choosing a mate that you were warned about is not their fault....it's yours. 

Once you realize the ability you have to create the best in your life as a reality and not a television sitcom or a distant possibility, you will eat the good of the land. If Jesus said that we would do greater things than he did, what makes you think you are powerless compared to a man that walked on water...think about it....

Peace & Love
 X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Monday, January 30, 2012

Time's up

Reconfiguration of the mind has taken place
Looking in the mirror, I feel disgraced
Though saved by grace
I have taken up to must space
In feeble thinking 
Keep shit on my mind
Going from intelligence to desolate waste
And I know better
Have chosen to keep company
With wolves in sheep clothing
Cause good days use to bore me
Chaos was my best friend
Loved it and drama, it's first cousin
But now I have left them hoes at the corner
Of enough and fed up
Gave them the middle finger, they got me messed up
So now I am soul cleaning
Not just mopping and sweeping
I am talking about changing the wallpaper and steam cleaning
Cause I can't move forward with the weights of others
People will suck you dry like you are their breast feeding mother
Some of you don't deserve my pearls, you swine
Trying to save you is like trying to keep a fruit fly from dying
There is a time limit...so no need in me trying

Copyright © 2012 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

It's yours....

Be great to yourself. Don't allow your past mistakes make you not be able to love who you are in your process of being. It is a process....a step by step....a daily workout in becoming the amazing individual to bless the collective. Don't worry about who is not helping, who is hating, and who is coming against you....what are you going to do?

Are you going to buckle? Give up? You have already tried that and failed. You couldn't stop growing if you tried....the passion and drive within you won't let you quit....

So put that energy into it all the way, wholeheartedly....and watch what happens.

Success, joy, and happiness is yours for the owning.

Peace & Love
X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I will be free.....

I will be free...

You ever decide that you are going to do for you. Start your own businesses, finish a project or projects, organize your life in a manner that works for you...then KABOOM.....You get accused of being a bad friend to the people who have been running over you this whole time. People who have taken advantage of your skills and gifts. Using you like a cheat sheet in life to short cut their way to their own success and give nothing but nickels and dimes to yours.....

You are not a lifesaver if you have no life within you. If you are always giving and never receiving your due diligence, them you are no good to anyone. We are responsible for who we are, where we are in life, and the things we must do. Some of us are in different stages, but there are some expectations that are no longer being required. Women will bed a man with no job, no prospects of income, and live at his mama house. Men will bed women who have no goals or dreams except Child support and food stamp days.....WHY...because they think they can change them, make them better....You can change the way they dress and the way their hair looks, but you can't touch their thought patterns if they don't let you.....

I am not saying don't help people, but don't do it to the point where it compromises you. I am in my process of organizing my life. I have deleted people on Facebook, Twitter, and in real life. I am not giving a gateway for anyway to send negative energy my way nor am I leaving doors open to people who I know I will let take me through because they know I love them. I am reconnecting with my true self...the God in me and setting the bar higher than ever before. I am saving my self. Reprogramming my thinking and being. I have stopped so many things in a few days....I feel the breaking in my own soul....the day has come for me to free myself from my own personal chains....

Be free my friends.....great morning...:-)

Peace & Love,

X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Friday, January 20, 2012

Forever in our hearts...Etta James

She sang
From her heart she sang
For the broken heart and those in love
She sang
When they said she had no place to sing
She sang
From her spirit
She sang
From her soul
She sang
For the young
She sang
For the old
She sang
Etta James.....sang

X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2012 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My affirmation....

‎"I refuse to look in the mirror one day and wonder why on earth I am where I am. No matter what I do in my life, I will choose my steps carefully and to the best interest of my destiny. I will no longer be afraid of who is not there, but appreciate who is there. I will no longer look for love, but appreciate the love that is there. I will not look for a friend, but allow those who have shown themselves friendly to be apart of my life. From the best of life, I will live." ~ X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2012 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Dreams.....

I have a dream that all the dreams I have set before me I can resurrect and one day make a reality........

How many dreams and goals have you had that you put away? How many ideas and thoughts did you decided to give up on because someone convinced you that you weren't qualified to have them? How many times have you peek in that closet and thought...what if?

What if I hadn't given up on my dreams? What would my life be like? What if I took up the profession I wanted instead of the one forced on me by my parents? What if I married the one I fell in love with instead of the more suitable choice????? WHAT IF??????

What if, today, you went inside your closet and started to go through those lost dreams and goals. You will find that they are still there, and some have even matured without you realizing it. Everything that you are designed to do, be, and have is at your discretion. You have to have the courage and gusto to go for it. Whether it is a degree, career change, business opportunity, relationship opportunity, or even hair color change (smile), you decide on what you want to do.

I know it can be scary. I mean, let's admit it, fear can cripple our dreams. Often times, our fears aren't failing at what we want to do, but other extremes that we create in our minds. Fears like being hurt physically, losing a family member, or just the most extreme things that could go wrong. This is because we have never been taught in our educational experiences, that we are designed to be successful. That we are designed to prosper. That being black isn't an inferior position unless we believe it to be so.

I want to encourage you this morning and tell you that your dreams are not lost. Hope hasn't left you, and Faith is waiting on you to believe to make your dreams and goals come true....will you believe today.

Peace & Love, 

 ~ X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word

Copyright © 2012 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 5, 2012


He told them I was special
He had to
otherwise why would they come at me like they do
Say all kinds of crazy cause he said I was amazing
Said that I make him smile and laugh
And whether it's 3 pm or 6am, his calls I would never gaff
I make myself to him available
Because my spirit he keeps stable
My passion he enables
Let's me be me, not needing to be a princess from fables
He is the truth
But I swear he is unreal
Not about how he makes me feel
But how he makes me want him
And I am thankful to them
Cause they inspire him to want me
Every negative thing they say
Causes him to search diligently
For the best of me
They tell him he is wasting his time
So he brings me chocolate covered blueberries and wine
They tell me I have too many kids
He falls in love with them like they are his
I go from needing his talents to appreciating his opinion
They get his abilities, but I get love from him
Funny thing is
I now find myself searching for the best in him
Past his pains that he acts aren't real
Or the emotions he ignores because he is not sure how to feel
I see him...the real
Osiris in the form of my savior
He is God and king to me
When I look at him that is all that I see
Even when I failed to love him right, he never left me
So I stand here ready to care for his heart
Live in his soul
Allow his spirit to teach me to be whole
I await for the day when my last name is changed
My heart has been exchanged
Love is all I feel, pain no longer remains
Growth in understanding the goal we are here to obtain
Has me sitting ere saying
Thank you to the ones who thought they knew
He only speak that way about me, cause he loves me...not you...

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved