About Blu

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STL, MO, United States
X Blu Rayne is an author, poet, spoken word artist,graphic designer,host writer and motivational speaker. A reflection of God's light and His movement on the face of the storms of life. She is poetry personified....

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time to move.....if you wanna...

Instead of us just talking, it is now action. It goes beyond facebook stauses...it is your lifestyle. We can stunt here, and I know some who do, but if those around you can't attest to that which you are saying...then you are either a great actress or a bad liar...and either way...you are failing them and you, but you are not a failure...and I have no idea what a failure looks like cause I see possiblitiy in all of us because we are all God's reflection. Live in your spirit...in the peace of your soul...and watch how much your life changes and how many people you will help.....just try it....30 day gurantee that you will at least change one person....you...:-)

Be the change for the people in your life, be the hope for the youngsters and old heads in your family. Be the example for the ivy league family members with the appearance of perfection, but have brokenness hidden. Every person around you needs you to be the best you that you can be. You have no time for hating on anyone, that just means you hate you...and who really does that?

Love you until those around you will be jealous of how much you love yourself. Be confident in you were you intentionally uplift those around you. Be open th where you make everyone around you feel safe. Be loving to where no one who has know you has not know love...has not known God....it is not only possible...it's more than likely...I didn't get here overnight, but (in the words of Mrs. Celiy) I am here now....I am here...and so are you...let's move....I will help in any way I can.....the choice is yours....

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Sticks and stone may break......

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.....

The biggest lie ever told to children around the world. Words hurt, and the impact can last outside of you even knowing it. I had someone tell me that one of their female friends told them I wasn't good enough for them and get too much of their attention...this is a person I did respect and admire. Now, I just wonder what kindof person speak death to a potential relationship that could be long lasting, in any realm, to both parties? Needless to say that I have some thoughts and feelings that now have placed all of us in a position that is unknown to them......

Be careful what you speak to people. You aren't just saying it to that person...you saying it to all the other people they talk to as well. We all have that one person we tell things too, well...so do they and if it isn't you, it's someone else. And just like a disease, it spreads and the effects vary from person to person. Every word projects an image in people's minds and we live what we think and believe...so since I believe that this person has a negative view of me, it will dictate my actions. I have said some things that I regret, and I am sure some of my words are lingering in the hearts and minds of people that I do not know....and no matter what it has an effect.

If my words have offended anyone in anyway, I apologize. I don't hate anyone or hate on anyone. I don't care for some people, so I intentionally avoid them because I have a view of them that isn't positive, but I have no intention of causing them pain....

This is an area of growth for me, so maybe this one is more for me than you...just be mindful of the words you speak...you are shaping opinions of you and revealing who you really are...love and hate doesn't exist in the same place...check your words before you speak them.....

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 28, 2011

You are precious......

Is there anyone in need of a healing? Is there any pain, disease, hurt, tears, anyone need to know all is well..

It is.....don't give it...you are being redefined..... I am not trying to bs you and tell you that there won't be hurts and pains, but it is really alright. It is actually better than alright. It is purpose in pain, otherwise how else would God show you how amazing you are when you allow the better you to shine through? I understand it doesn't feel good, and it doesn't look good. I am not going to tell you that all things are good...death is not good, sorrow is not good, betrayal is not good, lack is not good, loneliness is not good.....so what is good you are asking?

You are good, the God in you is great...so that means you have the ability to overcome any obstacle, surpass any expectation, look at challenges and trials in the face and even give them a high five...cause it would not have came your way if you didn't have the gusto to deal with it. Don't even use your issues as a sob story, matter of fact...feel bad for those who have had it "good" all their lives, cause that just means they don't have the what it takes to be that example and testimony of triumph the world needs to see.

I congratulate you one being deemed worthy by God to go through the refining fire...you will only get purified if you understand it purpose.....let's walk forward my diamonds and gold members...and remeber anything worth a large value went through a redefinging process.....You are priceless.....

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The art of the boot....

You deserve to be surrounded by people who deserves to be around you.......

So recently a lost a family member. Not lost in the sense they died, but lost in the sense of a Facebook deletion as friends...so I blocked them. I might be wrong in some people's eyes, but I have grown bored of the consistent negativity that is related to past issues. I am ready for new problems...like the ones people who are on the move in their live have.

Ever notice that broke people always have the same issues? I mean like the same drama with the same result with the same attitude with the same non-solutions. Can we get our life together first and then start having problems? Can we at least make sure disconnect notices aren't in our mailboxes, and bellies of not our households, but others are full, can we make sure that we are eating healthy and growing each other spiritually?.....that would be nice, but that would mean we would have to stop being the superficial, egotistical, short sight creatures that roam this planet and lick they own ass, otherwise why else would they keep up shit unless they like the way it taste????

I love all people because God made us all, but some of you have outlived your usefulness. I am not trying to live on this plane is a stat of discord...I like peace and refuse to have myself in pieces because you want to be broken. It's a choice. Just like you can choose to be better, I can choose to be better without you. Some of us hold on to rotting corpses of relationships, from friends to family, and wonder why we find ourselves spiritually dying. Tell them to call Tyrone, Budda, Jeusus, or your mama...but you can't use my phone.....Learn the art of giving people the boot....and understand, if you choose be be a certain way...you will get the boot too.........

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

...a quote from Blu

"If you can't be happy for someone you once loved who is in love with someone else...you never loved them at all." ~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

...a quote from Blu

‎"Smile...and the world smiles with you....cry and a real friend gives you a shoulder, some tissue, and some support." ~ X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

You are......

You are........

That is the question.....what are you? Not who because we all have been given an identity. You are male/female, melanin/nonmelanin, tall/short....etc...etc.....the bigger question is WHAT are you......

Are you a success or failure, a promise or a mistake, a desire or an insult...you have to decide what you are and come hell or high water...be what you see yourself as. There is no right or wrong here because only you have the answer to the question. You determine your what.....you decide.

No matter what you decide, understand that it comes from you, not your circumstances or situations. You are the final decision maker, the final authority, the final say so....you don't believe me.....hmmmmm....let me ask you this....if God doesn't force salvation on you, but let's you decide...then how can you blame anyone...even God for where you are in life.

In the end...you decide....time to make your decision....

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Family friends....

No family like friends and often no friends in the family.....

I think it is a beautiful thing when members of the same family have a geuine love and respect for each other. It adds to the holiday seasons, birthdays, and family reunions. I, like a lot of you, have family memerbs that never check on me and I have grown accustom to where I am actually surprised when I hear from them. It's no anger or discord, that I am aware of, it's just that neither of us see a value in the blood we share to share our lives with each other. Some people see that wrong, but these might be some of the same people that allow the known molester in the family around the children...my point is "family" is a relative term....

I value the friends I have Mirror Sista my mother, Jessica Christy my sister, Kristal Coleman my sister, Prayze Pretty Pea my sister, Hezzie Kendrick III my brother, and James Robinson my brother....these are more than relatives...these are my friends. If I ever need advice I call one of them. Then I have an extended group of friends that act as family to me...

I have this saying that friends will support you and family will abort you.....I say that because your family can hurt you worse because you expect them to love you best. The reality is that we are all people and in one way or another, all family. If mom can't respect your wife, she shouldn't be at your home until she does...if you have a brother that has molested his own child, he should never be around yours alone, if you have a sister who is a prostitute, she don't need to be staying with you, and if you have a cousin that steals from you...keep them from your ish!!!!!

Find the friend value in your family...those that you can trust and love and genuinely they love you. Hopefully, you'll have more friends in your blood line than you thought....people that care about you and are really there for you...people who want to know you and got your back no matter what....hmmmmmmmm......
maybe we should require that people qualify as friends before they rock the family clause....


Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Friday, November 18, 2011

Oral Intelligence

There is an intelligence in oral sex...

I think when it comes to oral sex there is one rule....just as an individuals thinking is different from one person to another, so is the oral needs. Find out what you partner likes....

I think that a penis is a beautiful thing that should be kissed, touched, caressed, licked, and rode properly. I think no woman who can't get moist enough orally as well as vaginally is not deserving of such a gift and should maintain the knowledge of her body in order to appreciate the extension of life. It's not a dick, woody, or a joystick...it's nothing to play with, but worshiped. It is a man's most cherished possession and therefore should always be greeted with a kiss......

If this makes you sqeemish.....don't worry...he's not coming to you for appreciation anyway.....he's going to someone else....

Peace & Love 

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Facebook porn.....

Sugar mamas.......

Sugar mamas....the new disease of women......

Lies, trickery, and extremely irresponsible. Are you his mother? If she wasn't able to "make" him a better man, what makes you think you can? Oh I see, you wear Prada and Gucci, got a great job, beautiful in looks, nice body, and all the potential of a great wife....one problem...he's broke, has no goals, is a moocher, and guess what....he's fine though........

Geez.....why is the sugar mama part of some of the new age woman's mentality. You get him unrefined and undefined and wonder why he cheats on you, disrespects you, and leaves you for the hood chick that has what he had...cause you have given him the resources he need to be looked at as "the man"....and you're not going anywhere because you went for him when you shouldn't have.

I will never short change a man working for McDonalds and consider him less than the man who owns it. I will say this...IF he works for McDonalds with a million dollar mentality and a work ethic that falls in line, he's already ahead of the game, but the smart guys don't go for superficial women anyway....so......maybe it's better to change you first...then you won't have to change "him"......

Who wants to have to "raise" a grown man anyway...not one woman on the face of this planet......time to put the sugar mamas out of business.....it's real women they want anyway......

Peace & Love,

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Be the change.....

Be the change you want to see........

A beautifully spoken sentiment by President Obama. Has he lived up to this yet? Some people says yes and others say no. Even if you think he hasn't, it is irrelevant....you know why...because he is still here. Alive and he has the ability to choose what he will do to live true to those words....

We are so quick to give up on people. Our microwave mentality of quick fixes and immediate results have caused us devalue work and due process. It's ok to "fake it until you make it" in some people's eyes, but most expect things to be what is stated. Even in churches they push a "right now God",but we forget even Jesus, God in the flesh, had processes to go through before he could teach himself.

My point is simple, if you woke up this morning ...you have not failed to live in your potential. You can take those steps needed to be who you are destined to be. Embrace, love, and live your process ....appreciate the journey because that makes the goal that much more worth it....today is your day...and if you need to...look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate who you are today....cause she/he will be a little wiser ....a little stronger ...a little different tomorrow.

Peace & Love

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

All about you.....

It is one thing to say...it's another to be....

Repetition is the mother of all learning, but it is also the unveiling of all things uncertain. I see so many stats of women saying they are secure, confident, and independent women, but then I see millions of photos with the infamous t-shirt/panty shot, statuses that tell us you are not over dude/dudes like you say, or references to a time in your life where you thought you were about something....

I see men with half naked bathroom mirror topless shirts, calling women out of there names with a preface of they don't go for them type chicks, and statuses about all the money they make.....

...the funny thing is, if I go to a bar, church, gala function, or White House dinner, I will meet them both there. Insecure and broken people trying to convince the world they are something, but they see nothing when they look in the mirror. I apologize if it seems as though I am judging, but I am about to give you one of the most important statements anyone has ever told you....you ready........

The best thing about you is you...everything that you are is wonderful and beautiful. The world needs you to be you, because no one else can. You were created in a glorious image with infinite abilities and designed to be loved, cherished, and appreciate from now until time no longer exist. Your impact is not only needed, but required in someone's life, whether in this time or the next, to allow them to be who they are. Just as someone has done so for you.

Believe that.....

Peace & Love,

~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 14, 2011

What will you decide?

You are who you are because of what you decided to do........

So many times, things occur in our lives that shape us and make us into a certain person...or so we think. What if the reality is so many things have happened in our lives to shape our thinking and thus we are now benefactors of how we live out our thoughts. It might sound strange, but think about it...you eat what you do because of how you want your body to be right...wrong...you eat what you do based of the information you have on how it will affect your body.....amazing isn't it.....

The way we think is what determines how we are and who we are...not how we are treated. Good or bad, in the end, you control how you will be, not them. So stop giving credit or blame to other people. If you want to know why you are the way you are...look in the mirror. Only they have the answers you are looking for...

And if you don't like the answers...then you must answer the bigger question...What are you gonna do about it?

Peace & Love 

~ X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What is love?

I have to admit that there is something about me that has attracted controlling men. I am not a woman that wants any man fighting another man for my affections and attention, not only is that degrading to the men, but that is suicidal to my thinking. To have a thought process that I am the cause of discord, anger, and maybe even violence...and to take pleasure in it makes me wonder how sick we have become when it comes to love.

Love doesn't hurt, it is not self, it is not proud, it does not fail, it forgives, it progresses, it understands, it's compassionate, it is caring, it is considerate...it is the qualities of God.....

So if you meet someone, and you see the opposite of what I have described, you are voluntarily accepting of receiving less than what you want in life.....every man and woman wants to be loved, and we all have issues, but if when you meet someone, and they speak in the possible worst way about themselves, and ex, or a baby mama/daddy....what will they say and how will they speak of you.....love you better......

Peace & Love
~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Today is a new day

Everything that we do has a consequence. No matter what you do or say, something will happen, if not to anyone else...it will happen to you. There is good news...that means if you decide today you decide to love yourself, if today you decide to be better, if today you decide that you will no longer sell yourself short, if today you decide to live in your dreams, if today you decide to commit to you....guess what...not only can you do it or should you do it...but the benefit is all yours....

You have the power to choose. You have the ability to choose. You have the right to choose.

Have a blessed day...

 Peace & Love 
~X Blu Rayne

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved