About Blu

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STL, MO, United States
X Blu Rayne is an author, poet, spoken word artist,graphic designer,host writer and motivational speaker. A reflection of God's light and His movement on the face of the storms of life. She is poetry personified....

Monday, July 4, 2011

I am not a man

I am not sure if you have really looked at me, but if you haven't noticed.....I am not a man. I can play Rainbow 6, love football, can change a flat, and have a mean right hook, but I am not a man. I can work a job, pay bills, take out the trash, and raise sons solo if need be, but I am not a man.

And I don't want to be.......

I love being a woman, I love my natural strength to raise a family and help a man meet God and his potential. I have no desire to be Ms. Independent. That is not me. I refuse to be the poster child for successful single mothers. I am not saying that any of that is wrong, but I desire to represent what is right. A family with two parents. A woman being successful and supported by her husband. I think a beautiful thing happen when a man is a man and a woman is a woman. When we have to assume roles and positions that aren't meant for us to have, we have stress and the need to have outlets for it. In creeps in drinking, smoking, drug use, irresponsible sexual practices, suicide, homicide, and the destruction of a people.  

I know that I am speak in ideal terms and we don't live in a generally ideal world. But look at how you have been....is it really working for you? Have you lost yourself in it at all. I mean basic things like doing your hair, getting a nice lotion, taking pride in your natural God given femininity. I have seen beautiful woman take on a very manly appearance and blame life. The unfortunate truth is that unknowingly, you have allowed yourself to do this to you.

As long as you are living, you can change, grow, and be. I encourage every woman to love herself. The men and children can't be strong, productive, or progressive if we lose us. It may seem minimal, but do your hair, get some nice smelling soap, find your spiritual aroma and your divine fragrance.....

Peace & Love

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