About Blu

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STL, MO, United States
X Blu Rayne is an author, poet, spoken word artist,graphic designer,host writer and motivational speaker. A reflection of God's light and His movement on the face of the storms of life. She is poetry personified....

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I woke up this morning and after being a mother for almost 16 years the reality of that I am the the consistent parent in my children's live. I am the one responsible for their well being...mentally,spiritually,emotionally, and physically. It is not to say that the dad isn't around from time to time, but they have lives that don't revolve around the children, but mine do. I have been working everyday since Wednesday and still have to get the children set in school, have a sick 1 yr old, work on my career, and do it all with a smile...See I am way more than a poet...I am a mother...a single one  with six children at that...and I am learning to master this so I can help other mother's not be dependent on anyone outside themselves. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!

Peace & Love
~X Blu Rayne


  1. I understand your stength and wanting to encourage women to be independent; BUT wouldn't it be crippling to spread a message to women that we an do it ourselves without being dependent one anyone else.

    We can do it but are we really effective when we do it ourselves...OR are we stressed out and on edge. When we raise our children by ourselves and are trying to do it all by ourselves, there is something being neglected in our lives one way or another...Whether we admitt it or not...Something in our life is not getting the right amount of attendtion from us when we try to juggle it all by our selves....

    My message to women is that "Yes we are strong, courageous, hard working, powerful, effective divine beings; but we still need to be humble enough to know when to reach out for help."

    Asking for help and reaching out for help is the most powerful thing a woman can do. I am a single mother of three children and I know I can do this on my own but I also know that I NEED a person/ people that I can be dependent on outside of myself or else I would go crazy. God is the best place to start....

  2. Part of the understanding the need for help is extending the scope outside the need and dependency on the father. That is crippling and destructive. I never said help was not needed, but it doesn't need to come from one person. Since the father of my children has offered no help, I have seen how much help I really have...so there is no wrong in this message if you understand what the message is....you have everything you need to do what you need to get done. You have to see that for yourself.....

    Peace & Love
