About Blu

My photo
STL, MO, United States
X Blu Rayne is an author, poet, spoken word artist,graphic designer,host writer and motivational speaker. A reflection of God's light and His movement on the face of the storms of life. She is poetry personified....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

National Poetry Awards 2nd year....

I had an opportunity to live a dream that birthed other dreams within my soul. I was honored to be allowed to co-host the National Poetry Awards with Michael Guinn (Dallas, TX). Troy Poet Lewis is the visionary behind the NPAs and has given all poet, authors, spoken word artist, and slammers a place to be recognized for all their hard work that they do throughout the year.

For me, there were personal victories, encounters with some amazing people, and an "awakening" within my own spirit...in the next coming weeks I will speak in more detail as to why this weekend was so profound and the continual effects it has on me. The one thing I will say is that I celebrate during a time I would have otherwise cried....August 22 is the anniversary of my grandmother's passing....This year marked the second year she has been gone....I know that she was in great spirits watching me do what it is I am suppose to do. Be poetry. I am so grateful to everyone who made my weekend a celebration rather than a memorial service...

Me and my grandmother both thank you

Peace & Love

Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Blu Life....the CD

I have been holding on to these tracks for over a year...waiting...for what I am not sure, but I am sure now is the time to release them. There are 8 tracks, symbolic of the new beginning that has occurred with me as of late. These tracks are about my life....they aren't theatrical...I don't use extensive word play....I just speak my words. These are the first tracks I ever recorded....not in a studio, but in a hotel room in a make shift "studio". I hope you enjoy this CD and thank you for your support.....

Go to http://xblurayne.bandcamp.com/ to check it out....thank you again.....

Peace & Love

The real baby daddy

See I was doing my baby daddy
When he came to me asking for these goodies
I gave it up gladly
Never would I withhold my threshold
He comes around monthly and I fold
Give me everything I needed seemingly for free
All he wanted to do is have his way with me
In every room of the house the he provided for me and my seeds
Goes in my kitchen
Because he is the reason I can turn on my light switches
Fixes himself a sandwich in which he paid for
Has the key to my front door
Rear ends me until I get sore
And every month I was looking for more
More assistance
Because I thought without him I could not live with
I mean he gives me cash on the 5th
Food on the 18th,
If I left his what would people think?
They would think I was crazy
Housing partially paid for, day care covered
What did it matter that he wanted to get under my covers
Do me monthly like his does others
This nigga was so cold he was doing me and my mother
The crazy thing was when I realized he also does brothers
Becoming their monthly lover
When they don't want to do anything but live with their mother
Gives new meaning when you ask if brothers are under cover
And under my covers he came and we came
And I had come to realize that he had done me so good
That he wrote his name
On the foreheads of my unborn children
Guaranteeing that my seed
Would become his next bedmate
When I saw his name
EBT, Food Stamps, Unemployment, Section 8,
Medicaid, TANF, and Minimum wage
I knew it was time to leave his place
Knew it was time to erase his stains from my sheets
No longer did he have right to touch me
No longer would he be able to do me
Have me bending over
Lying on my applications
About my current situations
No more fear here of getting better and losing him
Cause I rather have an honest struggle
Than a lie free and clear
I am grateful for the times he helped me when I had no dreams
Times he appealed to my needs and seemingly got me everything
Now I know that until I become everything to me
With all the things he can get me I still have nothing
And I am done with having nothing to show
Cause I won't grow
And I'm done tripping
Off chicks that are messing him too
Cause just as he has treated me
He will treat you 
So you can have him
With better I will make due
Copyright © 2011 X Blu Rayne All Rights Reserved

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Today is your day

How did you wake this morning? Did you wake up with hope for a beautiful day or dread? You determine the flow of the day by what you think and what you say to yourself in the mirror. Speak life, love, and happiness to your spirit every morning.... remember that today is your day......make it how you see it to be....make it the best day you ever had...don't worry about tomorrow or be concerned over yesterday....look to today...smile....hug yourself....you are just that amazing....:-)

Peace & Love