About Blu

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STL, MO, United States
X Blu Rayne is an author, poet, spoken word artist,graphic designer,host writer and motivational speaker. A reflection of God's light and His movement on the face of the storms of life. She is poetry personified....

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Think about it.....

So many women say that there are no good men out here. I think they can't see something they don't believe they are themselves...

How is it possible to "love you" and "keep it real" when you have become the mask you wear so well. You actually have fooled yourself into thinking that you are not responsible and influential to your current state of affairs. You are where you are because whether you know it or not, you have chosen to be there.

If you are single, with multiple children, multiple fathers, on assistance, no job, OK job, excellent job, happily married, great husband, horrible husband...you have made decisions that had gotten to you to where you are right now. For some, that is an empowering thought to know the success that you have right now has been through decisions that you made. For others, I see you sulking and grabbing your Bibles planing a rebuttal....don't do it...my understanding isn't confined to a book that has multiple translations and left out scriptures that can now be found in a hip-hop version....God is bigger than you limited literature.

Here is the funny thing, that book, the BIBLE....has gotten you only so far. The Bible says that in all your getting, get an understanding. And as sacred as many hold it's words...it is limited in it's knowledge of diet, exercise, relationships, current events, and family. There are great suggestions, but not enough applications and instructions to cover everything in our lives. Would books be in such as vast array if the Bible was truly complete. Why would all these Biblical scholars put our reading material if the Bible is all that is needed.....so if it is safe to assume even God knew the Bible had limits....could it be that others readings are needed because you are limitless. Because you have been given the power to choose your mate, profession, hair color, eye color, body size, etc.....that in the end...it is really up to you......

So back to the original point...the no good men...why are there no good men around you? What do you define as a good man? What examples have you seen as a good man? What have you read to know what a good man is?

We read books to try to figure out cars and instruction manuals on how to do a perm, but won't read anything on relationships, family, and the economy. We are the contributors to where we are right now, but have taken refugee in blaming the devil or say God "allowed" it to happen. The Bible says every good and perfect thing comes from Him...so you being beat up in a relationship was never part of the divine plan. You having that abortion that one time that has kept you having children wasn't on the radar. You choosing a mate that you were warned about is not their fault....it's yours. 

Once you realize the ability you have to create the best in your life as a reality and not a television sitcom or a distant possibility, you will eat the good of the land. If Jesus said that we would do greater things than he did, what makes you think you are powerless compared to a man that walked on water...think about it....

Peace & Love
 X Blu Rayne...Mz. Spoken Word